S2 - Show Biz

"Is this a dream? If this is a dream, none of you guys better wake me or I swear I'll make your lives a living hell.....
Gage, eat your heart out!"
S2 - Kids

Okay, $5 each for the chance to stuff Gage in the hole, but you have to pull him out of the hole afterwards..... eventually
S2 - Virus

"Hey, look at all those people checking us out.... or waiting for something awful to happen to Gage. It's pretty much even odds..."
S2 - Virus

"Hey, Stoker, get in stride for Pete's sake, or we'll have to do this scene over again ..."
S3 - The Old Engine

"LA, Engine 51. Even though you didn't actually assign us to the incident, we're going to take our new toy out to play...."
S3 - The Old Engine

"Gage, enough with the burgers and hot dogs! And next time, lay off on the lighter fluid, man!"
S3 - The Old Engine

"Giddyitup, Roy! Make it go faster!"
"Actually, just make it go at all!"
S3 - The Old Engine

"Chief, you think I could trade that new Ward LaFrance for a Snorkel?"
S3 - The Promise

"Gage, you really need to work on your moves..."
E3 - The Promise

"Sam, we both know that you're too good for him. It's just a matter of time until you dump him for a real man, a real firefighter, one who is able to grow facial hair..."
S3 - The Promise

"I wish someone would write a story where I get to drive a Snorkel...."
S5 - The Great Crash Diet

"What does this button do again? Gosh, I wish I could remember the script like the other guys seem to do ...."
S5 - The Great Crash Diet

"Looks like Gage has everything under control. This should be a nothing run..."
S5 - The Great Crash Diet

"I swear it's not what it looks like... Please don't turn this into slash! Joanne reads all of those stories..."
S5 - The Great Crash Diet

"Guys, there's no way Cap chose electrocution over my cooking. He knows I just have your best interests at heart!"
S5 - Hyprochondri-cap

"You know, Junior, I think the nurses are right. This is your best side."
S5 - The Indirect Method

Constant Training is necessary so that we are prepared for any situation.... except for the sudden appearance of an attractive female paramedic trainee...
S5 - The Indirect Method

"Gentlemen, I know it's been a while for some of you, but this is a girl..."
S5 - The Indirect Method

You can either talk to the pretty girl standing in our kitchen or ....all right, smoldering glances work too......
S5 - The Indirect Method

"Kelly, you're going to need to change that chili recipe, pal. We just can't keep replacing doors.."
S5 - One of Those Days

Roy's been waiting a long, long time for this opportunity....
S5 - One of those Days

"Hurry it up, Marco. I can't afford to get any shorter!"
S5 - Pressure 165

"Watch out for skunks there, Mikey..."
S6 - Captain Hook

"What are you guys complaining about? You think everyone gets to take a swim break while working?"
S6 Loose Ends

"What fresh hell is this?"
S6 Loose Ends

"Don't worry about it, Roy. I'm pretty sure Chief McConnike breathes ammonia all the time on that planet he used to call home."
S6 Loose Ends

"I'm the cute one!"
S6 - An Ounce of Prevention

"Don't worry about it, Gage. Henry and I will be happy to explain it again, won't we, Henry?"
S6 - Breakdown

"I never get to go anywhere with you guys..."
S6 Breakdown

"Sure, I guess I like gladiator movies, Johnny. Why do you ask?"
S6 Breakdown

"C'mon, Mike. You have to let me into the engine cab. I'm the Captain..."
S6 - Breakdown

"I'd like to introduce you to Mini Me"